The Calanques
On the western border of the territory of Zumpano with that of Rovito, along the hillsides that from the Valle del Crati progress towards the Presilana belt, a wide and steep escarpment of the order of tens of meters is sumptuously inserted, with stratified and variable colors from dark gold to grain, from brown to reddish-brown, consisting of alluvial soils deposited between the Middle and Early Pleistocene, or between 1.8 million years ago and 126 thousand years ago.
From a geological point of view it represents a deltoid facies identified by conglomerates and gravels, with well-rounded pebbles of crystalline rocks, coming from the igneous-metamorphic complex of the silane batholith, included in a coarse and silty sandy matrix. Their typical morphology largely resembles that of gullies (characteristic of clays), although the lithological context is different, with alternating longitudinal and parallel ridges and valleys (grooves, furrows) characterized by the absence of vegetation. These erosive forms are mainly created by the action of runoff and runoff of surface waters, which over the millennia have generated these formations of appreciable beauty.